Your Therapy Website

Next up:  web presence.  I’ve heard from long-time therapists that somewhere between most and all of their referrals come from the web.  Not from clients referring clients, but from the web–strangers clicking to get help.

What I did:  Built a website.  Got a Psychology Today profile up.

What you can do (or I can do for you for cheap):  Build your website.

It’s tricky, but not as tricky as the folks at or would have you believe.  It’s not hundreds and hundreds of dollars tricky.  ForTherapists wants $449 for a year of website!  TherapySites wants “only” $59 a month ($708 annually)!  “Only”!

Here’s what it should cost:  Nothing or next to nothing.   Doing it through, it’s zero dollars once you’ve done the set-up. Works nice, looks nice.  (This way, your site’s URL will be

Another way to go:  spend a little (about $7 a month ($80 annually)) and launch your own .com (  You get an email, some other bells and whistles.  If it gets you one client, it pays for itself right away.

Not hundreds and hundreds of dollars.  Much less.

The initial set up and design take some doing.  I’ll help or do it for you for a very reasonable price.

Write me if interested:  wheretheclientis [at]

And, vioila, you’re on the net.  Congratulations.



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